Check the Foundation's website for future events.

Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis will hold an open informational meeting at 3 p.m. on Thursday, March 3 at Lutheran Hope Ministries (660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, St. Louis 63141). The purpose of the meeting is to provide information on one of the Foundation's funding focus areas, services to prisoners/ex-offenders and their families, and opportunities for potential funding support.

These funding focus areas were selected after several months of exploring our past grant history, current community needs, opportunity for impact, and fit with our vision.  Those familiar with the Foundation will note that the areas identified build on our past funding interests and rich heritage of improving the care of people through supporting people of faith, particularly Lutherans, as they work to improve the care of people in our community.

Sorry, This Event is Currently at Capacity. To register for the meeting, click HERE and to learn more about these funding focus areas, including services to prisoners/ex-offenders and their families. Due to space limitations, it is asked no more than two people attend from your organization. Advanced registration is required by February 28.